The Roadway to Happiness

As a fellowship of believers, Pauline Walley Ministries dedicates time to helping others build a lasting partnership with the Lord. There is nothing more fulfilling in life than learning about Jesus and engaging in an incredible journey with the Lord.

Fellowship Is Engagement

Our church and youth ministry believes more in finding common ground and engaging each other more in activities than creating religious programs. Through interactive discussions, trips, and worship sessions we are able to build stronger bonds, as well as enrich our minds and souls.

Re: 17 Days Prayer Fast Against Inflation and Suffering

Hi everyone, be encouraged to join us for a 17days Prayer Fast starting April 1-17.

Reason :
On Saturday morning of March 19, 2022, at about 3.30am, I received a mandate to call a Prayer Fast against unbearable Inflation and Lack.
I saw that Inflation will cause unbearable Suffering in America and many nations.
The inflation caused so much suffering, to the extent that money could not purchase food.
People had money but couldn't get food to buy.
Food has become scarce and very expensive.
The scarcity of food and fiscal cash made room for evil practices.
Some people slaughtered human beings to serve as food.
People were kidnapped, killed, and sold as meat for food.
Some parents sold their children and friends and neighbors.

Mandate :
1. We have been mandated to fast and pray against this evil.
2. We have to pray for the revival of divine intervention.
3. We have to pray for the fear of God to penetrate the lives of people in our environment.
4. We have to pray that our loved ones will be saved from these perilous times of inflation.
5. We have to pray that the church would be awake and sensitive to divine instructions and directions to survive.
6. We have to pray that the political government of various countries will be wise like the Pharaoh that received the Biblical Joseph's interpretation.
7. Let's pray that the political government will not suppress Biblical truth and persecute Christianity.
Let's pray for the Spirit of Truth and Sincerity to preserve Righteousness.

Action :
We shall be having a night vigil tonight Friday, April 1&15, 2022 at 9pm to midnight.
For details, call 17186522916 or send a text message to:

Prayer-line: 1605-472-5234 Code#: 261623

© 2022 Dr. Pauline Walley-Daniels